Peter O. – Finally free!!
I am 27M. When I first went to the Mycoplasma doctor, I had trouble finding someone to believe what I was saying. So, if you run into this, be persistent. You are your greatest advocate. You know if something is wrong with your body with Herpes or any STI because of the long wait time to get in with my primary, anyway.
I had to go to urgent care, and the first few times, they’d just run a normal urine culture and dipstick it because I had no discharge and no leukocytes in my urine. They said I was fine and would send me home. This happened 2 to 3 times before I finally begged for someone to stop looking at that and to give me an STD panel. I was positive for ureaplasma and mycoplasma.
First Treatment: Doxycycline and Initial Disappointment
I got the call, and the urgent care doctor gave me 7 days of doxy and told me that they would take care of it. So I did as many would and believed him—until I did my Mycoplasma research and figured out this was way more complicated than previously portrayed. So I messaged my primary and told them my Herpes results, along with telling them I wasn’t given any secondary medication after the doxy. They called me in a pack, and that was that.
Fast forward, my symptoms (which were only painful urination at the time) were getting worse, and I went back to get retested. Positive again.
The second time around (which is still through urgent care because I am still waiting on a primary appointment), I was given another Zpack (5 days) and told it’d be good after that. But on day 3 of the Zpack, I started being discharged for the first time. So I immediately called urgent care and talked to the doctor, and they gave me moxifloxacin for 10 days. I’ve heard all the horror stories of moxifloxacin. Honestly was scared to take it, so I held off for a few days and just finished the Zpack and hoped and prayed it got better. But once I finished the pack and the discharge was still there, I didn’t feel like I had any other Herpes options. So, I started taking moxifloxacin.
Challenges with Moxifloxacin: Anxiety and ER Visit
The first 5 days went fine, and I only experienced tingles in my toes. I played off to be me making it up; on day 6, I took it, and about 30 minutes later, I started having anxiety (which I’ve never experienced, Type 1 or 2 before), and my neck and jaw muscles tightened up. I was at work, so I just worked through it, and it disappeared. On day 7, I took the pill, and the same thing happened, but this time, it didn’t stop, and I ended up in the ER.
After all the scans and labs and tests, they played it off to be anxiety. But I stopped taking Moxi right then and just decided to wait till my primary appointment, which was finally coming up. I never experienced that again, but I have had pain in my neck, armpit, and groin. But not sure if this is a side effect of what happened and the moxi.
I’ve been to the Herpes doctor for this as well, and they can’t find a reason for the pain. Went to the primary doctor, and they did a Mycoplasma test about a week after I stopped the moxi, NEGATIVE. But I know I should still wait for a TOC. So I just went back after 5 weeks off antibiotics and got another negative. I still have some burning when I pee, but usually, it’s only once a day and when I first wake up. I’m just writing this off as residual symptoms, and just glad to say I’m finally clear of this devil organism.
Treatment Summary
Suppose anyone is here, not interested in the story and just my treatment. This is how it went:
Treatment 1: 7 days of doxy 200mg, 5 days of azithromycin 500mg TEST POSITIVE MYCO, Mgen and NEG Ureaplasma
Treatment 2: 5 days of azithromycin. First day 1000mg, days 2-5 500mg but POSITIVE WITH WORSENING SYMPTOMS
Treatment 3: 10 days of moxifloxacin 500mg. Only lasted 7/10 days. *2 NEG Herpes HSV TEST, TOC, one 1 week after the last dose, one 5 weeks after the last dose)
It was a 3 month+ battle, and I feel like I have some anxiety attached to it now. Everything I feel anywhere in my body now, I overthink and think the worst. But I’m glad that the Mgen chapter is finally over.
Jacob Y.
Starting lefamulin and doxycycline
Hi guys, M(35) here. I will be starting the lefa+doxy combination and going for 14 days of Mycoplasma treatment. Also, I will be taking these on an empty stomach. I heard it’s better absorbed this way.
Previously failed failed Doxy+azi and then doxy+moxi. Moxi is the by far the worst antibiotic I have ever tried. Its side effects were worse than the disease itself. I tried both of these combinations for 14 days, but both of them failed with Herpes.
Last was minocycline and it also lasted 14 days. When it failed, my doctor told me to try an extended treatment, but I had other plans in my mind. Mgen was hurting my work life and mental health, so I started searching for other possible treatments. However, if this fails, I will get back to my doctor.
My first choices were Pristinamycin or Lefamulin. Since they were rare in the States, they had the best chances of treating me, and I could also get lefamulin. Though people told me to try sitafloxacin or pristinamycin before, I already got lefamulin, which was cheaper than expected. So, I will be trying this. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?
Stuart B.
Am I freaking myself out over nothing?
I’ve had a clear, odourless penile discharge for over a month now. I’ve been tested twice with Home kits spaced two weeks apart, and both came back negative. I received treatment for gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and a UTI. I’ve tried to research online, but I’m seeing mixed information: some sources say discharge could last for a month after treatment, while others say it should stop within a few days. Besides the discharge, I have no other symptoms, and I don’t experience any pain when urinating. My urine is also clear.
Since treatment, the amount of discharge has significantly reduced. However, if I press or stroke the area, a small amount of clear Myco fluid still emerges. I’ve been drinking much water, hoping it would help flush my system. I’m not sure if this is leftover discharge, urine that hasn’t completely exited, or possibly pre-ejaculate. Or could I just be mistaking this for residual urine or pre-cum. I’m uncertain if they tested for mycoplasma, but hearing how resistant it is to treatment freaks me out.